BCA (TU) provides an undergraduate degree course in the field of computer applications or computer science under the faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Tribhuvan University. It is a 4 years (8 semesters) degree. This 4 years program in Computer Application has been started with an objective to produce qualified computer software developers having wide range of knowledge in the technical field. Students learn to solve computer based problems of different types of business and industries.
The degree is intended to produce software developers, network engineers, system designers and system administrators. Studies show that most American universities have placed the computer science degree under liberal arts.
D.A.V. College, affiliated to Tribhuvan University, is one of the leading education hubs in Nepal since 2003. It runs different programs for science, management and humanities students of Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. The college places strong emphasis on holistic education. D.A.V. is committed to development of “mind, body, purpose, spirit, and meaning”. The objectives of the college include expanding world views, enhancing global leadership, inspire for innovation and advancing the world.
D.A.V. offers BCA, BSc, BBA, BBM, BBS, and MBS programs. It has an excellent academic reputation across the nation. Besides, the college in its sixteen years of pairing alumni with upper division students, and their exposure among the professional expert in multiple domain making sure their professional networks are ready to grow, and setting the scene for students to take the world of work by storm as they prepare to leave the college. D.A.V. hosts several academic practices as everyday academic affairs such as mind mapping, incubation and management lab, national and international conferences, publications, linguistic proficiency programs where mentees can get help about everything from personal connections, comprehending the contemporary business milieu, knowing cultural and ethnic sensitivity to resume critiques and interviewing tips.
Moreover, D.A.V.’s collaboration among the international universities such as Jain University, Bangalore, Sharda University, Delhi, FIIB, Delhi give exposure to students in international forum via student and faculty exchange, training, joint research, short term course, and publications. Likewise, the industrial collaboration offers opportunities to the students to transform their classroom knowledge into working atmosphere by means of internship, employment, research funding, joint CSR activities, and industrial experience sharing. Therefore, we prepare the students to be champion in dealing with the situation round the globe in three levels: Organizational, Interpersonal and Leadership.
Er. Prahlad Chapagain - Masters in Computer Science
Er. Suman Gupta - Masters of Engineering in Control Science and Engineering
Biswanath Karn - Masters in Accountancy and Taxation in Nepal
Er. Simanta Kasaju - Masters in computer engineering>
Er. Ananta Adhikari - Master’s of science in information system engineering
Chitra prasad Dhungel - Masters in english and sociology
Er. Manindra Aryal - Masters in Business Administration
Hira Chalise - Masters of Science in Mathematics
Er. Manil Baidhya - Masters in Technology and Innovation Management

As an Academic Advisor of BCA program, I would like to welcome you all in DAV family. DAV has the tradition of excellence from its inception in the field of management, science and humanities. In the demanding scenario of college education, education as a whole needs to rethink and re-look. By keeping these things in mind, the dedicated and experienced engineers devotedly established one of its BCA wing in the year 2019. The principal objectives of BCA program is to produce high skilled graduates capable of working in national and international markets in the field of Information Technology and Computer Systems. The students will be provided the knowledge of Killer Coding, Project Management, and hands-on experience on open-source or existing code-bases along with the knowledge of system architecture and design. Further, we also provide the professional courses like CCNA, CCNP, MCSE, MCSA, Firewall and RHCE during the college study to make student professional and proficient for their career enhancement. Furthermore, students will be provided in-house internship facility in robotics, networking, web applications, system administration and database management system. Instead of hard-skills, we also provide soft skill knowledge such as creative thinking, technical writing, data analysis and problem solving at hand.
During the 4 years of college study, we make student confident, intrinsically-motivated, venturesome and imaginative smart learner to place students at the paramount of their career horizon. I firmly believe that the hard-skills, soft-skills and certification courses along with academic degree together offer an immense support in career itinerary. After the successful completion of your 4 years journey at DAV, you will learn the importance of discipline, multi-tasking, prioritizing works, motivation and how to strengthen your integrity, perseverance and resourcefulness to stand as a well-versed citizen for the nation.
Finally, I wish you all the best for your stay at DAV and rewarding career ahead.
Thank You
Dr. Rameshor Subedi
Information Technology has totally changed the complexion of the quality of life today, with so much of innovative research and development projects impacting everyday life. The scale of the achievement comes from the ability to integrate technology with day to day human life. Since information essentially shapes an organization, the student learns the effects of managing this information, both theoretically and practically. Learning is a continuous process and does not end with the acquisition of a degree, especially because steady and rapid advances in computing technologies shorten the life of tools and techniques prevalent today. The teaching-learning approach coupled with practical experience gained during Industrial Training in reputed organizations, equips our students to handle the challenges posed by the software industry. Therefore we do not aim to make our students walking manuals of any language or package. Instead, they are given a strong foundation in information technology and problem-solving techniques, and are made adaptable to the changes. This is the single most important attribute of the education offered at DAV.
Sudip Adhikari
Program Incharge
DAV College initiated BCA Program from educational year 2019 whose main objective is to produce the highly qualified computer professionals & to impart what the real-world market demands from t...
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