Public Speaking and EMCEE Training

Published on 2024-05-27

As an engaging part of non-credit course D.A.V. College successfully recruited two weeks of ‘Public Speaking and EMCEE Training’ session conducted by a renowned media personality and Miss Nepal World 2010 Miss. Sadicchha Shrestha. The program was successfully formulated for the group of devoted students of BBA and BBM 1st semester.
Through the session of emerging skill, the students got to learn different aspects of public speaking each day until two weeks. They were introduced to the meaning of public speaking, importance, fear and effective ways to overcome the fear, body language, hand gestures, eye contact and many more. The students were also indulged to different guest speakers talking about other corporate skills like making an attractive presentation and self-grooming which were all related to public speaking.
To end the session, D.A.V. College organized a Grand Finale where the students were assigned to choose different forms of public speaking like; hosting, talking about a specific topic, having a face-to-face conversation with support of resource person Ms. Sadicchha Shrestha. Judge panel of finale include Ms. Shivanee Thapa Basnyat (Nepal Television and News Editor), Mr. Kosh Raj Koirala (Editor Republica Daily) and Mr. Keshab Raj Adhikari (Faculty Member of D.A.V. College).
In order to encourage the students to break the shield and stand out to the world as a confident human being, D.A.V. College acknowledged the winner and participants with certificate of appreciation and a shining trophy.  
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our respected guest and facilitator for the session of ‘Public Speaking and EMCEE Training’ for supporting us in the initiation of providing the students with practical learning environment and preparing them for every aspects of facing the real world.

Enquiry For Admission

If you have any queries about admissions – the process, duration, qualifications, eligibility or just about anything else, please feel free to write in to us.