Mustang Tour - 2024

Published on 2024-07-14

D.A.V. college trip is an annual tradition to enrich our students' educational experience and lifelong memories beyond the classroom. This year, D.A.V. College organized an enriching trip to Upper Mustang with the students of BBA, BBM and BBS programs, a place renowned for its beautiful landscapes, tallest peaks, ancient mythology and ancient arts.  The students got to experience an excellent opportunity to explore new horizons and create strong bonds and lasting memories with their friends. The trip was scheduled for 5 days, from 12th June to 16th June 2024.
D.A.V. College as an entity has always believed in exposing the students to experimental learning and culture exposure which is not only dedicated towards educational aspects but also towards encouraging students to become more independent and adaptable. Likewise, such trip also works as a refreshment for the students to take a break from schedule of studying and building a strong rapport with management and friends.
Hence, this trip was a perfect blend of adventure, learning, and bonding, which contributed to students' overall satisfaction with their college experience and enhanced their sense of belonging to the institution. Finally, the exposure of students to diverse cultures, traditions, and lifestyles of people living in Mustang (Lower as well as Upper) truly worked as a plus point, helping them develop a global mindset essential in today’s interconnected world.

Enquiry For Admission

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